March Metrics

March Metrics

There is a growing ecosystem of page builders for WordPress and I referenced a few in a previous post. The number is growing rapidly and as a developer I have to always be on the lookout for “the next best thing.” However, that doesn’t always mean abandoning my...
February Fun!

February Fun!

I thought I would take this month to have a little fun. One day I was looking at the home page of my website and thought it might be fun to caption some of the people in the picture. This is what I came up with: Now I want to see what YOU can come up with… here...
Come to The Dark Side, it’s 64-bit

Come to The Dark Side, it’s 64-bit

OS X Mohave is out. Huzzah. Wow, more emoticons and dark mode, a new preview mode for files, a few interface bells and whistles. Warnings about 32-bit applications. Blech. I don’t think I’ve come across a less practically useful upgrade. Yes, it’s free. And yes,...
Won’t you please, please help me?

Won’t you please, please help me?

Having done most of my recent web development work in WordPress, I find myself impressed by the avalanche of plugins from 3rd party developers. Why re-invent the wheel when you can search for a ready-made solution? I just completed a WordPress site that uses the...
May the 4th Be With You

May the 4th Be With You

Yes, ok, I’m a Star Wars fan. But you know, not a rabid one. But everyone around me thinks I am. Sure, saw the movies, owned them on VHS (I’ll explain what those are later), own them on DVD, but haven’t quite made the [lightspeed] jump to Blu-Ray. I...
Just a Trifle

Just a Trifle

I just realized. I’ve let you down. I was just reviewing my website after transitioning to another webhost and re-read the home page headline. We are TeKno Ziz, and we bring you… Technology, Solutions, Sanity and Recipes. And never have I brought you...