Jul 5, 2020
Lendah Platform: WordPress Responsibility: Production Design Partner: TR Design Address: lendah.com Comments: A WordPress site with BeTheme and WP Bakery Builder converted to Divi Theme. As a web developer I have come across more than my fair share of site builders...
Dec 27, 2017
Offshoots Platform: WordPress Responsibility: Design & Production Address: offshootsinc.com Converted from older WordPress install in December of 2017. Client was unable to upgrade to current version of WordPress because the theme was incompatible. So I used Divi...
Oct 15, 2017
Platform: WordPress Responsibility: Production Design Partner: Tammy Torrey Design Address: privatuscare.com Summary I brought the Privatus site from Concrete5 to WordPress in October of 2017. I built it using the Divi theme and incorporated several plugins that not...
Oct 15, 2017
Scivantage Platform: WordPressResponsibility: ProductionDesign Partner: TR DesignAddress: scivantage.com Using WordPress to our ScivantageScivantage had decided, after our first successful WordPress project with them, to move to the next level and redesign their main...
Aug 21, 2017
Platform: Concrete5 Responsibility: Production Design Partner: TR Design...