That’s right, YOU have the ability to become a Person of Importance in the computing field. Make your own hours, earn unlimited wealth, be the center of attention! Just purchase my easy-to-understand guide, The Inner Geek for only $9.99 and you’ll be on your way. Here is a brief outline of the five important concepts covered more depth in the guide:

1. Find an area of interest. PC or Mac? How about Linux (no, not Linus, the Peanuts character, the operating system, silly!)? What about HTML, javascript, jQuery, PHP? Boxers or briefs? Or approach it from an industry – say graphic design, medicine, accounting or electrolysis. It’s better if it’s something you’re already familiar with. For me, it was marketing and design.

2. Immerse yourself. Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Find industry rags (magazines, that is), blogs, whatever news source you prefer, and get to know the industry leaders, the software, hardware, trends, what they like in their coffee, etc. I had been reading MacUser, MacAddict and MacWorld, but now I am only down to one printed mag, and I do some reading online, including for general tech news, MacInTouchMacFixIt and MacOSX for support issues as well as the discussion boards for several of the major players like Apple and Adobe. Sadly,, my go to site for updates, was bought out (along with MacFixIt) by CNet, which now offers similar information.

3. Follow the Plan. I love it when a plan comes together. And when the A-Team is not available, I rely on this diagram to often get me through a tough tech session. Is it magic? No. It simply uses some rather basic logic to help you diagnose and solve your tech problem. It really works, try it! You can even get it on a t-shirt now!

4. Gotta Laugh. Not so sure about the singing and dancing, but laughter, after all, is the best medicine. So make sure to find humor in the stuff that you do, or it will drive you completely bonkers. For me, the Joy of Tech (JOT) and xkcd are two fun places for techies to find some humor. While you’re at it, check out the stuff at, it’s geek heaven! Why, you might even like some of the stuff there, too (check out the Enterprise Pizza Cutter, I so want one).

Looking for Step 5? This concept is so simple, there isn’t one! Just follow these 4 steps as fully discussed in my book and be guaranteed that your tech troubles are over. Tech nirvana is available for less than $10, can you believe it? And, as an added bonus, on the inside back cover is my personal Find-Me-Anywhere™ phone number, that you can use to reach me anytime, should you throw your hands up in despair. Meanwhile, I’m back to the beach chair and fruity drink with the little umbrella. Mmmm.

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