Jan 14, 2021
Women’s Life Imaging Platform: Concrete5 Responsibility: Production Design Partner: WaveDesignWorks Address: womenslifeimaging.com Image-ine That Built in Concrete5 using the Pixel 2 theme and Whale Slider. I worked with John Buchholz who was lead design. An...
Jan 14, 2021
Marsh Brook Rehab Platform: Concrete5 Responsibility: Production Design Partner: WaveDesignWorks Address: marshbrookrehab.com Get in Shape for WebsitesBuilt in Concrete5 using the Pixel 2 theme, Whale Slider, and Formidable. I worked with John Buchholz who was lead...
Jul 15, 2014
Hansen Dx Platform: Concrete5 Responsibility: Production Design Partner: TR Design Address:...