I would like to help you get off to a great start in 2018. After reviewing my client sites, I have found that many are using an outdated version of Concrete5. Since we developed your site, Concrete5 has gone through two full upgrades and now stands at version 8.3.1 (you may be using version 5.x or 6.x). Much of the upgrade centers around adoption of current technologies and a revamping of the user interface, making it even easier to edit. But it also has added sophisticated data handling and even includes built-in Calendar and File Listing features, once paid addons.
All these software updates and new features cost the same as the current software – free! – unless you purchased 3rd party addons. Your only cost is the time it takes me to import your existing information and to make sure your features are maintained. Unfortunately for 5.x users, since there were so many updates to the core, the developers could not find a way to easily migrate the data, themes and addons to the new version. That’s where I come in. I will review your site and make recommendations as to how best to rebuild your site so that it matches or surpasses your existing one.
You also have the option to move to another platform entirely, if you wish. Last year I performed several Concrete5 to WordPress conversions and have had excellent success making the converted sites as good or better than the originals. Since I have to migrate the data manually either way, it’s just as easy to move it into a new software package as it is to upgrade it. So now you have a choice! And now would also be a great time to refresh the content, add a blog, upload new images, or do a complete redesign. Clients like to see new content, or they don’t always feel the need to revisit your site.
For 6.x users and above, the upgrade process is a little easier and doesn’t require data migration. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider updating the site with a new look or new content.
Feel free to contact me anytime to discuss your specific project. Hope you have a great 2018!