
Tee Time

Editor's note: I was writing my newest review about comic book software when I realized it was taking too long to finish, so I decide to take a "Tee" break and offer this article up while I was reading, uh, researching the comic book post to come. Enjoy.My daughters...

Don’t Give Online T-Shirts Short Shrift

Who doesn't like t-shirts? The ultimate give away at tradeshows, sporting teams and entertainment events, or as recognition for participating in a corporate or non-profit event. They serve to both advertise the event and reward the recipient for their participation....

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa.

Welcome to another year of the TeKno Ziz blog. I am shamed to admit it, but I have been a baaaaaad boy. Bless me... It has been 3 months since my last posting. Not that there weren't things to say, but time got away from me (translate: lazy). So here we are in 2011...

YOU can be a Computer Consultant!

That's right, YOU have the ability to become a Person of Importance in the computing field. Make your own hours, earn unlimited wealth, be the center of attention! Just purchase my easy-to-understand guide, The Inner Geek for only $9.99 and you'll be on your way. Here...

WordPress Gets Good Press

I have been around the HTML block a few times, from straight coding in a text editor to using PageMill, GoLive!, Dreamweaver (always makes me think of the song), and open source software like Joomla! (what's with exclamation marks in product names?) and Drupal. There...

Lost in Transition (Part 2)

So there it was – a nice, new, shiny, silvery monstrosity on my desk, ready to be activated. I prefetched the Firewire cable I knew I would need to move the contents over from my elderly iMac and groped behind the left bottom corner for the power button. The familiar...

Lost in Transition (Part 1)

Well, it was about that time. More than three years old and outside of the AppleCare warranty, getting full, getting slow, no more RAM slots to fill, my trusty iMac was ready for the bone yard. There were new machines to check out, new Vista™s to explore (over my dead...

Boy, Am I Steamed… And You Should Be, Too!

I bet you think this is going to be a rant about some application... and you'd be right. But what if I was to say that is was going to be favorable rant? It's true. You see, I had recently begun to use the new Mac version of Steam, the online game store, where many...


In this corner, the heavyweight MacJournal faces off against the trendy MarsEdit and the relative new comer Blogo in this knock down, drag out contest to see who will be the the reigning blogging champion. Ok, boys, let’s have a clean fight!Now I know three’s a crowd,...