Cutting the (Cable) Cord, Part Two
Breathe. Breathe in the air. Don't be afraid to care... about saving money! This week in part two of my Cutting the Cable Cord series, we're talking about over the air HD broadcasts, typically referred to as ATSC. For this I needed a few items, two of which I owned...
Cutting the (Cable) Cord
*Updated post and info graphic 12/24/15 Ohhh yes, they do pinch quite a bit, don't they? Those pricey bills from Comcast, Dish, RCN and Verizon. Internet, phone, and television – especially television. This series of posts will chronicle my attempt to cut the cable...
Untraceable You
After the recent Google debacle over acquiring tracking info from the Safari web browser without the knowledge of the end user, I heard a radio interview on The Diane Rehm Show. Very interesting. Listen if you will, but it comes down to what steps the end user can...
The Postman Always Rings, and Rings, and Rings
Happy New Year, Crimestoppers! It is my sincere wish that 2012 is a great one for you both personally and professionally (that way you can hire me for your projects, hehe). But seriously, let's pray that 2012 is a better year for all of us.Remember all those New Years...
In Like a (OS X) Lion…
As I mentioned in my previous post, I did download and install Lion on my MacBook Pro. It was a reasonably painless experience. I had previously, of course, ran Software Update and MacUpdate Desktop to check for and upgrade all my applications (and so should you)....
What’s New, Pussycat?
What is Tom Jones crooning about this week? Lion, the new Apple operating system, (10.7 if anyone is keeping track), hit the virtual shelves this week, and though Apple was very up front about it's new features (and lack thereof), people were still caught off guard. I...
Delete, Delete, Delete…
No, that isn't the computerized cry of a Cyberman coming to get you, it's me trying to figure out which apps to hold on to, update or upgrade. A while back (in time and space), I blogged about an app that tracks your installed software for updates, allows you to...
Gimme that OTR, Gimme that OTR…
Now before you start bridling at the mention of Old Time Religion, I am not referring to that (although maybe we could use a little more of that these days). Actually, I am referring to Old Time Radio. And boy, let me tell you, if you haven't had a chance to...
Comic Relief
With the current popularity of devices like the Kindle, Nook, iPad and a host of others, reading has become popular again. eBooks are even getting lauded on the NY Times bestseller list. Excluding the black and white readers (which are becoming fewer and less popular)...