
It’s Free, But is it for Me?

My pastor loves free stuff. Free food, t-shirts, movie tickets, you name it. He happens also to be an iMac owner (after much poking and prodding). I may not be as gung-ho about it, but I certainly find it hard to pass up a good deal and and free, well, is free. So I...

It’s time to Get Smart (phone). Or is it?

Ah, you've arrived. Agent 86 here. I see Agent 99 delivered the message. I always liked her... Anyway, come closer. Enter the Cone of Silence with me. WE NEED TO DISCUSS SOMETHING IMPORTANT. Oh, sorry, Chief. We need to discuss something important. Agents of KAOS have...

(Anatomy of a) Gag Reflex

Greetings Crimefighters!Slaving away here in the Batcave, sometimes you forget about time slipping, slipping, slipping into the future. Yet it does. So here we are, months from my previous post. ***Thanks a lot, Alfred, for not making me aware of the time (but thanks...

They Shoot Old Software, Don’t They?

Don't you wax occasionally nostalgic for those old games you used to play when you (and the game industry) were younger and full of wonder? Ever wonder where those old classics go when time (and technology) has passed them by? Why, they're right on your shelf, ready...

Technical Evolution Revolution

New MacBooks! New iMacs! New iPads! New mini! (what's a mini? lol) Never let it be said that I am not excited about new product releases from Apple. But new for Apple over the past few years has also meant the loss of something, too, in the interest of "the future."...

Define… “upgrade”

Mountain Lion — n. 1. a predatory cat that inhabits higher elevations. 2. Apple's new operating system.Um. Yeah. About that. Sure, it's $20, inexpensive for an Apple OS upgrade (half the price of Windows 8, hahahaha, another idea stolen poorly by MS). And yes, it adds...

Tasty Side Dishes

No, we're not talking about my wife's famous German potato salad (you wish). Rather than my usual, sometimes excessive entries (I am writing one now.) I thought a nice, short blog post for this holiday weekend would be in order. So read it fast and get back to your...

Make Like a Tree and Leaf…

So if you've been keeping up with your reading, you know I have given up cable television access and opted for HDTV over the air. And while I have been generally happy, I have found that a couple of channels have played back with an occasional stutter or pixellation....

Cutting the (Cable) Cord – The Final Chapter

There. I did it. I made the call to Verizon. Traded my Phone-Internet (25/25)-Television bundle to just Phone-Internet (15/5). Pulled out the cable box and digital converter. Flying solo now (eek! I feel a breeze). So my bill for the bundled services had been...